Dave Winer: I'm re-thinking RSS now

RSS forces “blogging into the title-description-body model of journalism. But blog posts are more free-form, they don’t all fit into that structure,” Dave says.

One major reason I’m taking a break from WordPress now and trying micro.blog full time is that micro.blog is more graceful in how it handles untitled posts. For most blog posts, I dislike titles intensely. It’s a big deal for me.

Somewhere in the mid-2000s, there evolved a consensus opinion that blog posts needed to be at least a few hundred words long, with a title. Blog posts needed to be carefully composed and ideally with at least one image, according to this school of thought.

This is dead wrong. Blogging can be those things, but it should be freeform. Just write what you want, for however long you want, organized or disorganized, with or without an image. A blog post can be a single sentence, casually tossed off while waiting at the grocery cashier. Or it can be a long article, composed and revised carefully over several days.