Automating cross-posts to Tumblr, using duct tape and rubber cement
Thursday, January 23, 2020
I’ve been having a lot of trouble over the years posting to Tumblr. The native Tumblr apps and web page for creating new posts have gotten more and more difficult to use. I suspect the software has been redesigned over and over again by people who do not actually use Tumblr, and think Tumblr users are semi-literate idiots and perverts.
We are not semi-literate idiots.
There are several automated channels for posting to Tumblr, but they all result in ugly, ugly formatting errors, or duplicate posts.
I think I may have hit on a solution: For years now I’ve been automatically generating a daily email newsletter of my blog posts, using RSS and MailChimp. I realized this evening that MailChimp automatically generates its own RSS feeds. I wired the RSS to Tumblr using IFTTT and voila – a daily post on my Tumblr. Hopefully. If it works.
You can subscribe to the newsletter here, by the way, if that’s your thing: Subscribe.
And this is me on Tumblr: Mitch’s Tumblr.
For the past couple of weeks, my blog home has been on So far I am very happy with it and not inclined to go anywhere.