Making coffee with Aeropress, according to inventor Alan Adler
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Aeropress inventor Alan Adler demonstrates making three cups of coffee at once: YouTube
I tried something like this technique this morning. I have three cups of coffee a day and I make it all at once in the morning. Previously I’d done it in two pressings, but this technique works for a single pressing.
The taste was a little strong and one-dimensional; I need to work on that. I used an espresso grind, the finest our grinder would do. Maybe a coarser grind?
Adler’s single-serving method: YouTube
And tips from Adler: YouTube
I got a couple of ideas from this, including: Press down just by resting the weight of your arm on the plunger, to keep from applying too much force. Also, a nifty way to control the temperature of hot water when you don’t have a regulated kettle.