Monday, March 2, 2020
Cory Doctorow’s got a new blog. It’s
It’s his usual mix of cyber-rights, science fiction and retro pop culture. Interestingly, he’s doing it as a daily digest rather than a series of individual posts. I like it.
The design is minimalist. No HTML, not even hrefs. I’m trying out the no-hrefs look here to see how I like it.
Cory and Dave Winer are my blogfathers; when I’m fiddling with an idea, it’s often because I saw one of them do it. Mike Elgan and Jon Gruber are former blogfathers. I’m still fans of both, but their blogging direction is different from mine now.
I don’t have plans to adopt a daily digest format. It doesn’t fit my blogging habits, which are random minutes throughout the day.
Cory’s tagline for “Daily links from Cory Doctorow – No trackers, no ads. Black type, white background. Privacy policy: we don’t collect or retain any data at all ever period.” is both a blog and a newsletter. Subscribe here.
Newsletters are making a comeback.
I have a newsletter too. I have had it for six years. It’s a daily digest of everything I post here. Subscribe here:
“Flarn” is a great domain name.