Why America is so vulnerable to coronavirus

Ryan Cooper:

America’s atrociously inadequate welfare state makes it by far the most vulnerable rich country to a viral pandemic, and the vicious, right-wing ideology of the Republican Party has wrecked the government’s ability to manage crises of any kind….

Indeed, U.S. health care is not only by far the worst system among rich countries, it is much worse than that of many middle-income or poorer countries when it comes to confronting a fast-moving epidemic.

The US has no national healthcare system for testing and treatment. Working people with symptoms like a cold (which is how the virus presents) can’t afford to go to the doctor. And the coup de grace is there’s no national policy mandating paid sick time off, which means infected workers in food service, retail, and personal healthcare have financial incentive to go out there and infect the public.

In healthcare policy, as with gun control and education, American Republicans are convinced of the impossibility of policies that work in every developed country in the world, and many undeveloped ones. The point of Sanders' comments about Cuba is not that Cuba is awesome, but rather that even Cuba, with its broken, awful, government, manages to get healthcare and education right.


Via Cory pluralistic.net