Cory Doctorow on "Right to Repair" and more

Cory Doctorow talks about how big business and government have taken away your right to repair property you own, how Facebook and other monopolies can be broken up by requiring them by law to interoperate with other services, and other issues related to monopoly control and trustbusting.


Cory and other digital rights advocates can often get branded as socialists. And yet your right to do what you want with your own property is the most fundamental right there is in a capitalist/market economy. The Revolutionary War was literally fought to protect property rights.

But we’ve reached a state where Apple, Amazon and Microsoft can sell you music, then arbitrarily decide to delete it from your computer or phone at some point maybe years in the future. This is a thing that has actually happened, more than once.

And more seriously, farmers are literally denied the legal right to modify or repair their own equipment, jeopardizing our food supply.