Wednesday, January 18, 2023
In Santee, which is a few miles from where we live, 17-year-old Rebecca Philips says she saw a naked “adult male” in the local YMCA dressing room. The naked person was reportedly a transgender woman. Philips later appeared on Tucker Carlson, the story got picked up by the New York Post and Gateway Pundit, and now a local right-wing wannabe-demagogue is claiming Antifa is going to target the community for violence and their people will “send them [effing] packing.” And the Y is closing early for fear everything will blow up.
Can everybody just chill here? And not go on Tucker Carlson or get ready to send people [effing] packing?
Santee YMCA Closing Early, Fearing Rally Clashes Over Teen’s Report, Trans Rights (Times of San Diego/Ken Stone)