I’ve been using Vivalidi as my primary browser on the Mac for a few months now.

I started using Vivaldi because it seemed to be the most efficient at handling multiple tabs. My 5-1/2-year-old MacBook Pro wheezes and staggers if I have more than four or five tabs open in Safari. Vivaldi handles a dozen tabs with ease, and when the MacBook starts straining, Vivaldi lets me hibernate background tabs.

I also like several other features in Vivaldi. I’m learning to use Workspaces, which seem to be a more manageable alternative to having multiple windows open. I also like the command palette.

Last week, I started using Vivaldi for iOS as my primary browser on my iPhone. That’s my first time using anything other than Safari as the default iPhone browser. Other browsers seem too rough, most likely because of iOS restrictions on using alternative browser engines.

In the next few months, I expect I’ll get a new MacBook and might go back to Safari then. Or maybe not—I like Vivaldi.