Today’s fashion hate-reads

Sock height is now a “fierce controversy.. No-show socks make you look old. Crew socks are now fashionable. Unless you’re already old, in which case crew socks make you look old too.

This article has it all, including gratuitous Boomer-bashing and a grown-ass man who is devastated that teenagers are making fun of his socks at Disney World.

I take great pride in not caring about socks. As long as they’re approximately the same color, that’s good enough for me.

Also: Carolyn Hax advises a woman who is aghast that her sister-in-law wore white jeans to a wedding reception, when the invitations SPECIFICALLY SAID “festive cocktail attire.” The only person in this letter who is NOT horrible is the woman in white jeans.

If someone asked me to wear “festive cocktail attire” to an event, I would have no idea what that is. I guess that’s a big reason why we never get those kinds of invitations.