Donald Trump will never be able to implement Project 2025 because the document is rife with contradictions, reflecting fault lines in the Republican Party that Democrats can take advantage of, writes Cory Doctorow One such fracture will likely be tested soon, as bird flu spreads: RFK Jr. is of course anti-vax, as are other top MAGA leaders, but this is a view not shared by other top Trump health picks, who “emphatically support vaccines.”

The Trump coalition is a coalition of single-issue advocates. Cory calls them “cranks,” explaining he means the term non-pejoratively and says he, too, is a crank: “someone who is overwhelmingly passionate about a single issue, whose uncrossable bright lines are not broadly shared. Cranks can be right or they can be wrong, but we’re hard to be in coalition with, because we are uncompromisingly passionate about things that other people largely don’t even notice, let alone care about.”

Money quotes:

Project 2025 is “neofeudalist fanfic shit out by the most esoteric Fedsoc weirdos the world has ever seen.”

“Project 2025 isn’t just a guide to the masturbatory fantasies of the worst people in American politics – far more importantly, it is a detailed map of the fracture lines in the GOP coalition, the places where it is liable to split and shatter. This is an important point if you want to do more about Trumpism than run around feeling miserable and scared. If you want to fight, Project 2025 is a guide to the weak spots where an attack will do the most damage.”

“Cranks make hard coalition partners. Trump’s cranks are cranked up about different things – vaccines, culture war trans panics, eugenics – and are total normies about other things. The eugenicist MD/economist who wants to ‘let ‘er rip’ rather than engage in nonpharmaceutical pandemic interventions is gonna be horrified by total abortion bans and antivax. These cranks are on a collision course with one another.”

“The lesson of Project 2025 is that the entire Trump project is one factional squabble away from collapse at all times.”