🦆Today’s memes: Literally the same sentence

🦆Today’s memes: Don’t let Lois Lane find out

🦆Today’s memes: Harold, you’re my role model

🦆Today’s memes: Secret cheese pocket

🦆Today’s memes: Has science gone too far?

🦆Today’s memes: Jorts is just …. kind of a simple guy

🦆Today’s memes: “These are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the New West.”

🦆Today’s memes: Welcome to my Web Site

🦆Today’s memes: Nothing smells better

🦆Today’s memes: Damn it, Derek

🦆Today’s memes: Airplane glue will not be sold to minors

Can confirm Step 2. Still shudder at the memories.

I’ll stick with the beef with broccoli.

1920, The Coffee Cup Café, 8901 Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, Ca.


Today’s memes: Socks for his wife

Today’s memes: Everything is on track

Today’s memes: I guess my brain is just really big

Today’s shitposts: When the insurance company wants a diagram of the accident

Today’s memes: Talk dirty to me