Mitch's Blog

Sep 5, 2024 ↓

An Informant Exposes The Inner Workings Of The Ku Klux Klan [Fresh Air]

Joe Moore, a former Army sniper turned FBI informant, shares how he infiltrated the KKK and helped foil a plot to assassinate then Sen. Barack Obama. Moore explains how hate groups are growing. His new book is 'White Robes and Broken Badges.'

Sep 5, 2024 ↓

Trump is telling us that we need to "get over it" about school shootings.

A major podcast network supporting Trump is supported by big Russian money. I've seen their alleged talking points -- it's basically the Trump campaign party line.

There are credible allegations Trump took $10M cash from the Egyptian government.

We know he was openly accepting payoffs during his Presidency -- it was widely discussed at the time. Even he talked about it.

He's also an admitted sexual predator. He's on tape admitting it and those tapes have been widely and publicly played. Around two dozen people said they are his victims. He was sued over it, lost and the judge said he's a rapist.

He's a convicted criminal. Dude's a felon, no different from a guy who sticks up a 7-11.

Add this to his mishandling of the Covid crisis. No matter how serious or trivial you think Covid is and was, you can still look at Trump and say he failed. Either it was a horrible pandemic or a hoax. Either way, Trump failed to protect us.

Also, Trump supports the people who tried to violently overturn the 2020 election results, and murder Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence. He calls them political prisoners and is hosting a fundraising event for them.

On the other hand, Kamala says she worked at McDonald's. But it's not on her resume. So did she REALLY work at McDonald's?

I can understand why undecided voters are finding this such a difficult decision!

Sep 5, 2024 ↓

I went to the La Mesa-Foothills Democratic Club event last night, and they had a coffee urn out with the usual fixings. Normally, I am a coffee snob who buys gourmet beans, grinds them at home and drinks it black, but last night I poured a cup of the institutional decaf, added coffeemate and a packet of Splenda, and it was delicious. It was so good that I had two more. I told the organizer that if he had accidentally mislabeled the regular coffee as a decaf, I would give him a call at 3:30 in the morning to let him know.