Ian Welsh: The causes of the Ukraine war and What Ukraine looks like post-war if Russia imposes the peace. Welsh has an idiosyncratic view of the Ukraine war; I think he sees both sides as bad, but Ukraine is worse, and Russian victory is nearly inevitable. He makes a credible case, and I have to remember that everything I know about that war comes from Big Journalism.
I got in a shouting match with a guy last month over this issue — which, to be clear, means I was a jerk. I’m not proud of that moment.
Then, when I got home, I did some Internet research and determined I had been wrong about this for 35 years. But no more! I have learned! I am a new de-boarder! Or I will be the next time I fly.
Simplifying! I decided to stop posting to Threads, check in there only occasionally and consolidated my two personal newsletters into one. Also, I’m going to quit checking Reddit daily. I feel lighter already!
The children of a D.B. Cooper suspect handed over new evidence to the FBI because they think their dad was the culprit. A parachute long hidden on family property in North Carolina is said to match the type used in the only unsolved skyjacking in U.S. history.
Why’d the suspect hang on to the evidence, though?
John Scalzi: Holden Caulfield in middle age. Like Scalzi, I never got the appeal of “Catcher in the Rye.” And my reasons were similar to his: I grew up reading science fiction.
If you were going to give me a teenage hero, give me Heinlein’s Starman Jones: He traveled the galaxy and memorized entire books of log tables and became Captain of a starship (for procedural reasons, granted). All Holden did was bitch, bitch, bitch.
I stepped over one of the cats this afternoon and she panicked and bolted and I changed the direction my foot was coming down and she changed her direction and I stepped on her a little bit and nearly fell on my face and she bolted out of the room.
That was eight hours ago and we have not seen her since.
I usually oppose Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving, but I’ll make an exception here because it’s so clever.
It’s on one side of a corner unit of a condo complex. On the other side is this toy village, which I’ve shared here before. I suspect the same creative person did both.