Recent Replies

@starrwulfe @numericcitizen I check Twitter daily out of habit, but I find it uninteresting. I’m not seeing any of the hate speech other people report, but I’m not seeing much interesting either.

@numericcitizen Keep it because you might need it at some point?

One difference between Reddit and X is that the CEO of Reddit is not a Nazi.

@Denny Exceptional photos!

@numericcitizen Why close it? Why not just not use it?

Reddit has its flaws, but at this point, they are the only large corporate silo that prioritizes healthy conversation. To me, that's a big deal. And I get a lot of entertainment, information and other value from it.

What about their corporate attitude do you find disagreeable? The CEO is a jerk — that much is true.

@Mtt Looking at my blog with the @sumo theme — I really, really like it. Seems to borrow from the default Tumblr theme, which I have always liked.

@Mtt Oho. Thank you for your prompt response.

I remember seeing the documentation on that @pratik fix. I think it's within my limited CSS (JavaScript?) skills to implement.

I hope it's OK that I jumped the gun on the install. I have been looking forward to the release.

@Mtt I am giving the new Sumo theme a spin. I like it! Thank you for your work on this!

Now for a bug report and feature request:

The bug report: Multi-paragraph blockquotes should put a space between paragraphs. See here, for example:

And the feature request: I post multiple times a day and having the date repeated over and over at the top of each post seems redundant. Is there any way to streamline that?

Thanks again!

@tjpalanca Thanks, but sinec my last message I've decided to solve the problem by not posting to Facebook anymore. :) At least for now.

@Mtt I'd love to get an early look at Sumo features. Is the documentation ready for consumption?

I'm a professional editor and writer — I'm happy to give the docs a quick copyedit for you if that would be helpful.

@Mtt The day after my birthday. :)

@nitpicking That's something for me to think about. I haven't looked at it that way before.

@Mtt Looking forward to it!

@Denny It's become self-fulfilling. Biden seems to have lost the party's confidence, and without that he can't succeed. I'm ambivalent.

I feel like the party needs someone who can get in Trump's face. Harris seems likely.

@tjpalanca Very nice! Where are you syndicating to Facebook? Link, please? If I could syndicate to Facebook, I would be happy.

@the Indeed.

@manton @volkris I have mixed feelings about "text as image." Clearly it's a function of social media siloing—but it often works.

@manton I like this idea a lot for sharing to Masto, Bluesky and Threads. If a post is titled, the text of the Masto/Bsky/Threads post would be the title, a link, and a thumbnail of the post itself. @jwz does that and I have always liked it.

This method would solve an existing design problem with the current way titled MB posts are syndicated to those services: The Masto/Bsky/Threads post comprises the title, the link and then the link preview shows the title again.

@DaveyCraney Beautiful!

@odd I could send letters.

@tjpalanca Why use Zapier and Buffer in addition to What do Zapier and Buffer do for you that does not?

@Mtt I'm looking forward to it!

@darby3 Thanks. I think I got it working now.

@Havn New version.

@amerpie Your daughter sounds amazing. Working in a neonatal NICU seems overwhelming for anyone and particularly so for a 22-year-old. And Elon could still spread his sperm